Birthday Escape
My 41st birthday included a movie, the beach, Captain America and a loose dog running in circles around me. It also left me a bit tired and ready to crash at the end of it, which I suppose is normal.
I took the day off in the hope of having the best birthday present a married man whose wife has a small business can hope for: free time. It started with an early morning run with Finnea, the most athletic and energetic dog I have ever known.

During the run, the d-ring from Finnea’s harness came off, setting her free to run circles around me. Seriously, literal circles. It took a couple of minutes and the help of another runner to finally invite her back to me so I could clip the lead directly to her harness loop. You can see details in my Flickr Set. I’m linking it in the text here because apparently Flickr has changed its API and my gallery code has stopped working. I’ll fix that later.
The rest of the day included a trip to the beach with the pups and a trip to the movie theater to see Guardians of the Galaxy. Fantastic film. It is now my favorite Marvel Movie. and of course, I got some presents. Have a look at this: