26. Daniel Island Twilight Series 2008, Part 2

Back to Daniel Island and back to Bishop England High School for the second race in the Daniel Island Twighlight Series.
I had mixed feelings about this one. I had scored a Personal Best Time at the previous race, so I had pondered whether to try for a better race at each event. That would be kind of difficult, however. Last time we had the rain to cool us off. With clearer weather during the hottest part of a South Carolina summer, I was curious to see how I would do.
A New Personal Record… AGAIN!
It sounds crazy, but I beat the previous race by a few seconds. There’s a bit at the end where you run past the Finish Line to circle a small baseball field before coming back around. It essentially gives you a look at the clock (yes, there was a clock this time) when you’re working on the final two-tenths of a mile.
I never imagined that I would be anywhere close in the warmer weather, but when I saw the clock I put on a little speed. I pushed in to my usual sprint as I made my final approach, beating my previous PR by a few seconds. All things considered, not a bad race at all.