59. Flowertown Festival Run, 2011

This was the last race I did before moving to New England in 2009. In fact, I left that day. So now that I’m back in the area, it was especially important not to miss it. Many of my Charleston peeps are regulars at the Flowertown race, so I was looking forward to a few reunions.
Sadly, I couldn’t bring Cara with me this time. She works on Saturdays, and she’s already requested days off for a number of races. Since I was on my own, I crashed at my brother’s place where we ate pizza, drank beer and watched super-hero movies until bed-time.
Only two things went wrong on Race Day. First, I left my Garmin in my overnight bag, so I had to run without it. Second, Cara’s boss only kept her at work for about an hour. She missed the race and the fantastic weather so a thick-headed tool could have the pleasure of wasting her time. Awesome.
About the Race
The course wound through the neighborhoods of Summerville, SC. The weather was perfect and many of my friends were there. I managed to see Paul, Joanie, Monica, John, Theresa, and even Janet. (This time, I got her name right. I swear.)
But instead of going into crazy detail about the rest of the day, I think I’ll just lean on the media this time. I’ve got captions in the photos and the video is pretty easy to figure out.
Vids and Pics
Remember, folks… if you see yourself in these pics, feel free to download them. If Flickr gives you any trouble, just send an email and I’ll correct the license permissions.