Heading to the Irish Festival

Well, here we go again. It’s another Irish festival, this time in Ballston Spa, New York. It’s the 16th Annual Irish 2000 Festival, which doesn’t make much sense since it’s 2012… but we don’t care because there are bunches of bands.
Cara drove here, so I spent the time reading my latest HTML 5 tech book. It was a nice trip with beautiful weather, so we’re looking forward to a fun weekend. There are so many bands here this weekend! Enter the Haggis, the Prodigals, a bunch of people I don’t know but would like to… bunches!
We’re happily settled into our hotel room at the Robin Hood Motel, just a few miles from the event. It’s a nice little place with maybe 10 rooms. Well, unless there are some in the back. Let’s be generous and say 20 rooms. Doesn’t matter, the staff is nice and the room is clean. Plus there’s wifi!
Over the next couple of days, you can expect a bunch of activity on my social network accounts. I’ll get some stuff onto Flickr, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, GPlus… huh. Now that I’m reading my own sentence, it looks like I’ll be tweeting too much to watch the actual shows. Don’t worry, I will watch the actual shows! But which ones? There are three stages tomorrow.
But for now, we gotta go. The first show starts in a few minutes. Even though they’re playing again tomorrow, we’d like to check out the festival a bit while it’s still light out. In closing, here’s a pic of our hotel. So far, I recommend it!