Long Runs are Longer When You’re Lost.
Today’s run was supposed to be a long one. I was shooting for 8 or 9 miles in the Harbison State Forest. The good news is that I succeeded in making the distance. The bad news is that my route was nothing like what I had planned. I was lost, several times, in the woods, alone.

The plan was for Cara to take Dublin (our pug) to the forest for a while and pick me up later. I had things planned out pretty well. I had a color printout of the official trail map, my Garmin GPS watch, my iPhone and a bottle of water. Things were pretty good for a while, and I even tweeted happily about where I was.
The problem with a first-time trail run is that you’re just not familiar with the area. It’s the woods, after all. Things are marked pretty well, but it’s not a perfect system. I started on the Firebreak Trail, which is about 4.2 miles in a loop. I’ve been around that twice, so no worries. The idea was to take a connector trail to the Stewardship Trail and make it all one big, giant loop. This, of course, is where I got into trouble. I thought I was lost, but I wasn’t. Then I came to a turn and thought I was lost again, but used my trusty map to make the right choice. Still good. During this process I found myself almost worshiping a trail sign. (See the photo above.)
Things seemed a little better when I found the River Rest Stop. It’s about 100 yards off of the Stewardship Trail. There are some benches, and if you’re willing to walk through a little brush then you can get to the Broad River. I walked down to a nice flat rock and sat down on a log to do some tweeting and send a few pics to Flickr and post a vid on YouTube about the area.
When I was ready and I had soaked up enough beauty, I decided to get back on the trail. I was good for a while, but… well, why not let the tweets speak for themselves? Here they are, from the top:
The Stewardship Trail in Harbison State Forest. pic.twitter.com/v95dyPYy
— E Pluribus Brian (@briancribb) October 16, 2011
Thank God. For a few minutes I thought I was on the wrong trail! pic.twitter.com/Grz2yzHg
— E Pluribus Brian (@briancribb) October 16, 2011
Might be lost. But I THINK I should take a right. #running #trail
— E Pluribus Brian (@briancribb) October 16, 2011
Another hiker confirmed that I'm on the correct trail. Plus, I just recognized the area. Whew! pic.twitter.com/Ko6R09Pb
— Brian Cribb (@briancribb) October 16, 2011
Yeah, the WRONG part of the correct trail. Thank God for helpful bicyclists and then this map! #running #trail pic.twitter.com/7deV9XIR
— Brian Cribb (@briancribb) October 16, 2011
Home safe and cleaned up. Before my shower, I had the best glass of orange juice EVER. (Plus bunches of water.)
— Brian Cribb (@briancribb) October 16, 2011
The moral of this story is simple. iPhone maps aren’t all that useful in the middle of the damned woods. Just use a paper map, look at signs and ask people for directions like we all used to do in the Olden Days.