Pennsic 36, 2007
I just finished my 8th Pennsic. It was a pretty good event for the most part, but the weather made things difficult. There were several monsoons, and by the end of the event most of us were running out of clean clothes.
We would get blasted with hard rain, and then have a couple of days to dry out before being blasted again. To add insult to injury, in the middle of the second week my phone died. I actually had to drive into town to get it replaced under warranty. Still, it was a good event, and there were still some bright and sunny times. I still got to see the people I drive hundreds of miles to see every year.

New Arrivals and the Gypsy/Pirate Mixer
Some of our various campmates arrived in the second week. They usually get the most help with setting up, since the rest of us are done already. Besides getting the whole gang together, we all look forward to the Gypsy/Pirate Mixer every year. This year the theme was Masquerade.

One of the many high points of the Mixer was the presentation to Robert Quill of the prototype Robert of the Quill action figure. It was made by Trina, and claims to have Entrepreneurial Action! The packaging was made with images from a cartoon I had made for him, so I pretended to be upset about copyright infringement.

A Wine Tasting, Right Next to My Tent
There was a Wine Tasting in my camp. It’s usually just a Swatura/Québecois thing, but this year it was right next to my tent so wound up in the middle of it. They didn’t think it was fitting for me to sit nearby with a beer in my hand, so I wound up tasting a little wine with them. It was pretty nice. One of these days I’ll have to develop my palette so this sort of thing isn’t wasted on me.

The Last Party Night of Pennsic
Weather aside, the Second Week went by quickly as it always does, and we found ourselves observing our traditional Last Hurrah at the Chalk Man Pub for the last Friday of Pennsic. Another year, another Pennsic.