Saltwater Celtic Music Festival, 2012

Cara and I are suckers for celtic music, so we couldn’t resist a chance to see Searson and Enter the Haggis at an event in Maine. Of course, it didn’t hurt that we would be introduced to the music of The Press Gang, Sprag Session, Chrissy Crowley and Carbon Leaf.
Since Searson was also playing at a local brew pub on Friday night, we decided to make a weekend of it. We checked out Portland on Friday, saw Searson in Freeport that night and then saw everyone in Brunswick on Saturday. It was… well, it was fantastic. Cara and I are considering polygamy so that we can propose marriage to the state of Maine. Not the people, mind you. The state.
You can see all the goodies in the embeds below, and especially my Flickr pics. Much of the story is in there anyway. I do want to mention two things before I give you all the vids and pics. First, I had the pleasure of running around Maine on Saturday morning. I took some pics while I was out, and the Garmen map is here.
Second, I want to tip my proverbial hat to Carbon Leaf. They had 13 hours to get to Maine after leaving another gig, (on Friday the 13th) and had planned to drive through the night. Instead, traffic only allowed them to get 20 miles in two hours… and then their vehicle died.
They told the festival organizers what was happening, and were easily convinced to find a way to get to the show. They had to catch a ride to the airport and find flights for seven people, plus gear. There was nothing going to Maine, so they flew into Boston, rented a big SUV and drove from there to Brunswick. They arrived just 20 minutes before they were supposed to go on.
So thanks, guys. We really enjoyed the show. I know you couldn’t bring all of your sweet merch, but I bought a t-shirt and we’re downloading your stuff from Amazon. You have two brand new fans.

There are several YouTube videos for this post, so I’m going to give them to you in list form. The page will load a little faster that way. I’ll still embed one of them, however. Since they worked so hard to get to the festival, we’ll do Carbon Leaf. Enjoy. 🙂