48. St. Patrick’s Day 5K Road Race, 2010

My first race in Boston was also my first race of 2010. I was hoping for something a little less flooded, but I’ll take what I can get after my first New England Winter. With the snow and ice and the refreezing ice and the dogs refusal to go out because the snow is taller than he is… well, the truth is that I haven’t done much. Time to change that.
About the Race
This race was in South Boston at the Boys and Girls Club. It reminded me a quite a bit of the Laura Griffin Memorial Run, primarily due to the weather. It was cold, just like the race in Charleston. The difference was that the Laura Griffin Run was the coldest race of the year back home. Here the conditions are slightly worse and it’s the beginning of spring. But hey, it’s not snow, right?
The rain wasn’t so bad in the morning, but it grew as the day progressed. I didn’t realize how bad it was until the race was over and my body temperature dropped back to normal. After that I wasn’t very much in love with my breathable running shoes. My one saving grace was storing my clothes and things in an Apple Store bag. You know, the ones that look like a backpack? They’re plastic, and rock harder than an 80’s rock star after a fresh line of cocaine.
Final Thoughts
This was a really nice introduction to the Boston Running Community. In fact, I’m pretty sure I made a new friend. That’s Sara in the photo below.