What’s that next to the Curiosity rover?

Sorry, I just couldn’t resist tossing this in. The fine folks at NASA have brought a fantastic dreamy quality to the Red Planet, and I’m sort of swept up in it. When “dreamy” and “Mars” come together, I think of our old buddy Tars Tarkas. (He’s the famous thark who discovered the John Carter.) If you’d like to read A Princess of Mars, a.k.a John Carter, it’s currently free on Amazon. For those of us on the iPhones or iPads, there’s also a free Kindle app. So basically… free book!
It’s fitting that the rover should touch down during the olympics. And I must admit to a bit of pride when I remember that Curiosity landed on my birthday. Special thanks to NASA for winning the gold medal in Interplanetary Acrobatics, and congrats on the dismount. 🙂