97. ZombiesRun Virtual Race 12, 5K

I’ve been running outside again in an attempt to drop my COVID weight, and it was just in time for the latest ZombiesRun virtual race. Just a straight out-and-back on a wet day.
I’ll get back to regular races eventually, but for now I’m happy to have a time registered on the ZombiesRun leaderboard. You need an account to get to it, but fortunately I can share the race page. That will have my start time, but not the actual 5K time. The app tells you when the race is over but has a few minutes of extra audio after every race. I suppose it’s to help you cool down, but I normally try to add a little distance so I can just stop running when I get home. This time it wasn’t enough and I had to pace around the yard until the last clip ended.
The Race Itself
There’s not much to tell this time, I’m afraid. We had rain all night and buckets more of it were predicted, but there were a few clear hours in the morning and I didn’t want to skip the day. I kept my phone in a plastic bag the whole time to protect it.
I had been running towards town when I go out, but I found that going the other way means not having to deal with busy intersections and there’s a little more room on the side. Cars are easy to see coming and keep clear of. The only trouble is that there’s a Big Damn Hill in that direction. On the bright side, there are lots of animals to look at if you like farms.
I completely forgot to take photos, but I’ll get them another time. COVID has completely blown up all of my routines and I haven’t built them all back up yet. I’m not even sure how many of them are still appropriate for the new life we’re building on this farm.
But I’ll figure it out. Failing that, I should be better organized and in better shape for the next race.