Cara’s Goodbye Tour of Charleston

We’ll be moving to New York after my contract is up, and Cara’s going ahead. Before she left, I wanted to do another weekend in Charleston with her. I wanted to show her all the things she hadn’t seen yet, and just generally show her a good time. As you can see from the photos, things went pretty well. 🙂
Note: She’s not leaving until after the Governor’s Cup Half Marathon. We’re having a Going Away Party at Delaney’s on the Sunday after it, so be sure to email us for details.
On Saturday we had lunch with my former French teacher and her husband, toured the Charleston Market and had dinner with my running buddy and her husband. (Holy crap, it’s starting to sound like most of my friends are couples. When did that happen?)
Sunday was a pretty big day, too. Our hotel was just a little into Mount Pleasant, so we ran the bridge at around sunrise, visited my old Starbucks to chat with my peeps, had crêpes at Queen Street Grocery and toured Folly Beach. After that, we dropped in on my brother, had coffee with Theresa, and then we were finally done. Needless to say, Cara was exhausted by the end of it.