93. ZombiesRun Virtual Race, Spring 2019, 5K

How can you not love zombies on a train? This one is about a fancy new super-fast train that was taking its first batch of passengers as the Zombie Apocalypse begins. It’s a bit of a bummer in a way, because it shows a society that was making some really cool advances in science and sustainability just before it was snuffed out.
The weird bit is that I don’t show up on the Leader Boards for this one. I have the race in my run log and I did it within the timeframe, but my name doesn’t appear. Not a biggie since I still have a record of the race, but it’s a bit weird.

This time we got rained on, but the temp was okay and it was just 5K. Finnea doesn’t seem to care about getting wet, or dirty, or cold. She just wants to be outside. The downside is that she kicks every possible particle of grit and dirt onto her belly as she runs along the wet sidewalk. Avoiding puddles does not prevent this.

The route was a simple out-and-back, so there’s nothing unusual about the run aside from having to take Finnea into the shower with me. As usual, she got post-shower zoomies to go along with her post-run zoomies.