92. ZombiesRun Virtual Race, Halloween 2018, 5K

This one takes place on Tomorrow Island, and it’s kind of a sci-fi twist on The Most Dangerous Game, which I think every series needs to do at least once. As usual, the acting and writing are fantastic. The whole thing is well worth the entry fee.

Anyhoo, there’s not much to say about the actual race. We just did a loop around Bath and Finnea (above) ran her usual best and I was the slower partner.
I also took a picture of the rest of our crew, who were using Race Time to lounge about on a big pillow. That’s Dublin on the left, and Casla on the right.

The next few posts will be a bit light as I catch up, mostly because this is where I document my race history and I don’t want to leave stuff out. After that, things should roll forward a bit better. 🙂