94. ZombiesRun Virtual Race, Halloween 2019, 5K

Another hit from Six to Start and their Zombies Run app. This time, Runner 5 goes into a cursed carnival. Acting and writing are fantastic, as always.

The race packet had an extra-special set of goodies this time. Since there’s a fortune teller in the story, you get tarot cards with character portraits. The photo above links to my Flickr set for this race, and lets you see more of the cards.

Since we live really close to a Snyder Park, daylight runs can easily take us away from traffic and onto a bike trail. Finnea greatly prefers it to our regular route. We run pretty early during the week, so we have to stick to places with street lights.

After the race I stopped to sit on the front steps and get a picture of us like I used to do in Maine. Finnea is six years old now, but hasn’t slowed down at all. Of course, I’m a lot slower than her so I really have no way of knowing if her top speed has changed. Anyway, Happy Halloween everybody!