88. ZombiesRun Virtual Race, Spring 2017, 5K
I’m tempted to just count these as one event now, but I run them on different days in different weather, so I suppose I’ll keep going with separate posts. This one will be a bit short, though. And if you’re wondering what the hell a virtual race is, then try this post from my first one.

Finnea and I ran our basic out-and-back route, with one major difference: we ran in the middle of the day. This is helpful in colder weather, but the days are getting warmer and we found ourselves getting a little heated. Finnea actually started panting a bit, which I haven’t seen since last summer.
It wasn’t a problem this time, but it’s an indicator that we’ll soon be limited to early mornings for our exercise. That black fur coat is pretty good for winter, but it’s a bit much under a hot spring sun.

The race itself was excellent once again, renewing my affection and admiration for the folks who make the ZombiesRun app. My only critique would be the two-minute clip at the end, after the race is finished. I suppose it’s meant as a cool-down period, but I kind of like to stop the app when I stop running. I can walk around and cool off on my own.
I paced in front of my house waiting for the ending clip to end, and made a mental note to work it into my plan for the 10K event. On the bright side, it was a pretty sweet clip with a nice ending to the mission’s storyline.
We had fun, but I think I might need to change up some things for the next virtual race. Maybe drive to a special location or something. Hopefully by the time Fall rolls around, Finnea will be trained up enough to do our route without so many business breaks.